Pride Themed Paint Night at Union Lutheran

Paint Nights at Union are a wonderful opportunity for us and our community to gather around the gift of art. Join Union's own, Amy Mummert on Thursday, June 13 for this Pride Month Paint Night opportunity!
Please RSVP in the discussion section on the Facebook event (liked below) by Monday June 10. Post your name and if you have others coming with you (example: Amy +2). Children 8 and older are invited to attend with a parent or guardian.
Amy is founder of World Art Drop: York as well as York Artbook Collective.
Union is proud to be a prefered partner of the Rainbow Rose Center and we celebrate this opportunity to join together once again. You will find Union at Rainbow Rose Center's York Pride event on Saturday, June 22.
We are asking for a $5 donation to cover all supplies and instruction. If you have your own supplies, or cost would be prohibitive, the event is totally free!
Please enter through our Penn Street Door, the Courtyard Entrance, or from the back Parking Lot entrance off of Mason Ave.